Well, we've done and did it.
We entered the 21st century last night. The hubs and I FINALLY saw a 3D movie. No wonder you kids had been ranting and raving about 3D movies. That shiznit blew our minds. Not to mention that it was Harry Potter and just an all around good movie to begin with (not like that over-hyped Avatar crap. Yes, de-friend me in bloggyland, I said Avatar was average...at best).
And the 3D glasses weren't that noticeable. (source) |
Ok, you can't blame us too much for not seeing one before. It wasn't like we were exactly going to hop into a German movie theater and sit through a poorly German-audio-over-English movie just to see the effects.
But, being a little behind is like us. Call me crazy, but I don't buy into all the hype that comes with 'new' technology and devices. Heck, I don't even buy into the hype around the older stuff floating around.
Unless it is this. This looks trust worthy. (source) |
Case in point. Don't own a smart phone. Actually, I think my phone is literally making me dumber. It can't even take a picture. And I love it. While in North America, we jump on my parents plan, and overseas we stick with a pay-as-you go phone. Laugh all you want, after all, we do look silly with all that money sticking out of our pockets, don't we?!
Ohh, burn, burn double burn. Haha, just kidding, you know that. But if only I get back my old pink Nokia with this bad boy on it!
No one would beat me on this. NO ONE! (source) |
And twitter...naaah (watch, I will end up eating those words). Trust me, I am not exciting. Like, not in the least bit. The last thing ya'll need to do is hang on my every ingredient I added in last night's dinner. Ewww, just reminds me of dumb facebook status updates.
I get Twitter for your blog, for a business and the like. But no way in hell do I need to know that Kayne "...makes awesome decisions in bike stores" or that he thinks "Fur pillows are hard to actually sleep on". True tweets,
look it up.
Maybe I'm secretly like 60+ years old.
I'm thankful the hubs isn't into video games. No Playstation, X-Box or Wii. (although, there is a Nintendo DS we share). Think I have played Wii once. Maybe?
But meh, what do you do? A lot of it is due to our lifestyle. We are on the move too much to accumulate crap nice, pretty, useful things. And I think I prefer it that way. I don't get caught up with the latest app, or worry if my phone is out of date, we just make do and get on with our lives.
That is not to say that I wouldn't be all over that stuff if we lived full time in the U.S. Oh, I'd be hooked on it all like it was a drug! For reals. So maybe it is a good thing we live on the bare necessities of technology.
We'd make this look guuuud! (source) |
Anyways, where was I? Oh, the movie rocked. And I think we might have actually enjoyed that new-fangled, not so new thing called 3D.
BTW, Ixy, from Illusion, Congrats!! You won the Texas/Germany/Canada giveaway! I can almost hear the audible groans of everyone else who entered. I tried to email you, but get a hold of me when you can. I will take full advantage of the fact that we are both in Canada right now and I can send that baby off for waaaay cheaper. (TexaGermaNadian (at) gmail (dot) com)
Schpanks again to everyone who wished me a happy birthday and entered the contest! You guys rock!
Ok, I'm wrapping it up!
Last but not least, I am up for "Best in Life"! See, told you hubs, I really am :)
What? What's that?...Not like that?
Oh, I guess they mean the "Best in Life" category for best blogs on
FTLOB! Hey, I'll take it!
Life, of course, being a blogging category. Although I have my stuff together, not going to lie, in 'real' life too, haha.
Be a dear, and if you like the blog, like really, really like it,
jump over here, find TexaGermaNadian and like it too.
I'm in a funny mood today, sorry :)
But I really would appreciate it!
Hope everyone is having a great week, and enjoy your hump day!