June 4, 2012

Is the month-long suspense killing you?!

Man, do I know how to hold suspense or what?! I tell ya'll that I have a secret to share and then wait long enough for no one to care any more and then, and only then, do I decide to reveal. :)

Meh, I kept remembering that there was 'something I was supposed to do today' (random Billy Madison reference…anyone? Don't blame ya, even the hubs as a movie-phile has a hard time getting that one. What can I say, I like classic, thought-provoking cinema…)

Drink five Daiquiris? (No, I didn't. It's a quote, nerds ;)) (source)

But I guess I never really got around to writing again. So, a good month has passed and I'm back at it. At least for today.

And now for the time to reveal where we are jetting off to next. It's officially official now. We are heading to a brand spankin' new country for next hockey season. Once again, our belongings are being shipped out and bound for another league and team.

Instead of going some place that's known for hockey, such as Germany or Finland, who lives, breathes and dies with hockey, we're going to a country that isn't particularly known for hockey. Or ice, really. (It does snow a bit). Or even really cold winters...although I'm sure for my Texan blood, it will be cold enough.

So where oh where are we headed in August??

Someplace with gorgeous islands, pristine national parks and lakes and a country that's become a popular hot spot for celebrity vacations.


Looks like SOMEONE wanted to hog all the coast! (source)

Yes, stop worrying they do have hockey there. The hubs isn't hanging up the skates to go live on an island and sell drinks served in coconut shells. Although, that sounds mighty tempting.

Do I need to say it again?

Croatia. Or, as they would say in Croatia, "Hrvatska"

Apparently you pronounce it like this: [xř̩ʋaːtskaː]  

Super clear now, right??? I'm pretty sure that's a mathematical equation, not the pronunciation of a country.

Their flag...in case you couldn't guess (source)

Talk about a complete 180 from Finland
. Which, speaking of the country, we will really, really miss. We loved it there, cold winter and dark days and all. Beautiful country, even better people and fun hockey. I really hope we get a chance to head back up there some day :)

So, as you can imagine my warm-weather loving self, I am pretty stoked about being back in a hotter climate. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there will be colder days (we aren't living right on the coast, anyways). And maybe even some snow from time to time. But the sun should be around more and the fall and spring are bound to be gorgeous.

I want to go to there. (source)
Plus, this gives me an amazing chance to see a part of the world that I have wanted to see for sometime now. When I worked in Greece, the sailing company I worked for often went up to Croatia and sailed along the coast. Everyone who went absolutely loved it, so I am excited to see the Greek-ish islands there as well.

Now, for what you've all been waiting for. Want some random Croatian facts?? Of course you do! I haven't done a history lesson/fun facts session in a while, so now is the time to bust it back out.

Did ya know…

That there are over 1,000 islands off the coast of Croatia! The country strings along the Adriatic coast and is dotted with big and small islands the whole way down. Like I said, they look very Greek-ish in style, with a bit more tropical island feel mixed in. There is so much history among these islands and I can't wait to at least check some of them out during our stay there.

That Croatia is super close to Italy and Austria? I think when most people think of Croatia, they picture it being extremely east of most of Europe. You might be surprised to know that we'll only be about 3 (I lied) 4 hours from Venice and about the same from most eastern Austrian cities.


But, even though it is pretty westernized, Croatia was a part of Yugoslavia up until the early 1990s. It has been an independent country since the last declaration in October 1991.  Along with Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovenia, it was in the socialist republic until it became an independent country with the declaration of independence in October 1991. That was only a short twenty years ago. I think it will be very interesting to see what people my age had to go through when the  various wars broke out when the socialist republic began to break up.

And I like freaking people out and telling them I'm heading to Yugoslavia for a year, just to see their reaction. They have no idea.

That the necktie was invented in Croatia? Ever heard of the term 'Cravat' for a tie? (I hadn't until I got to Germany). Well, that derives from the name Croat, which is the official name for the people of Croatia.

I'm pretty sure I've used this picture a number of times before. Classic. (source)

And you better believe I have already worn out the phrase, "I invented the piano key necktie. I INVENTED IT!" Zoolander never gets old.

That Croatia is home to the UNESCO World Heritage site of the Plitvice Lakes National Park. You may not recognize the name, but the pictures might look familiar. Set among the karst in central-ish Croatia, the lakes drop into one another and create gorgeous water falls and pools at different heights. I cannot wait to see these in person, in both summer and winter!

I also want to go to there. Gorgeous!! (source)

Dalmatians get their name from the Dalmatia Coast in southern Croatia. The breed's roots trace back to the beautiful, island spotted region. Appropriate name for a dog covered in island-like spots.

And last, and certainly most random, did ya know that the White House was built out of stone from the Croatian island of Brac?? Yep, the residence of our Commander in Chief has materials gathered from the islands along the southern coast of Croatia. That's a long way to haul all that material, especially back in the day!

Well, there you have it. Random facts, where we're going next season, and hopefully a fun preview of what's to come. There hasn't been too many exciting things going on back at home this summer, which is kind of the way I like it. Hence the lack of blogging. But I can imagine that things are going to be pretty different down in Croatia (in a great way) so there will be lots to discuss once I get over there.

For now, we're still enjoying the summer. I'm heading up to Canada in about a week and will have about two months up there until we go back overseas. While winning the championship was pretty amazing last year, the longer than normal summer has been pretty nice too. One small advantage to being on a not-so-hot team, lol.

Looking forward to seeing what all is going on with you and your bloggyland life!
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  1. So excited for you guys to get to experience a whole new area and really soak up the sun :) You never know, you may see coconut shells out at the rinks. The pools will be amazing...hopefully you can dip your feet in-or jump into several!

  2. well call me a green monkey... go ahead i said it was okay. i am glad you all get to see the world, that is a lot of great things... we have all missed your quirkiness and splashing in the shallow end of the pool. our blog bbq has just not been the same, though i am sure you will share all the cool things you see...

    jeremy [retro-zombie]

  3. My fiance played in Serbia a few years ago and traveled to Croatia often for games. Absolutely gorgeous country!

  4. I love love LOVE when you post like this!

    And can we talk for a split second about how I only slept for 3 hours last night, quickly skimmed over that first photo to read your goods, and then thought to myself "Linds did NOT post a photo of Alex spread eagle, did she?" so I had to go back and check ;)

  5. Congratulations to the new contract!! Cant wait to hear about the nw adventure there!! As far as I heard its really beautiful!!

  6. Basically all I know about Croatia is that a hell ass amount of Czech people goes there on holiday because its pretty cheap there and most of the people on the coast speak Czech because its hard to resist getting more customers.

    I also can´t help myself but point at the fact how ready you will be for joining the KHL after taking a few Croatian lessons, haha.

    However, good luck to you & your husband during the next season, you Hrva-nadian :) This is gonna be a year full of suprises for you, I bet! :)

  7. Croatia is a beautiful country! Where exactly will you live? You should definitely go and visit islands like Krk and Pag, it is so fabulous there!
    Good luck in Croatia and congratulations!

  8. Welcome to Zagreb. Great team and fans. You will like it. For others who might care, its actually Austrian league with Zagreb based franchise. They have been a nice success story of european hockey in past few years.

  9. @Morgan - Thanks girl! I am really excited too. Should be a fun new adventure ;) Maybe I could open a stand at the rink?? I will jump in for you!
    @Green Monkey - you asked for it, haha. Thanks Jeremy, I really appreciate that. We are having a blast doing do. I know, I have been out of bloggyland for too long. I get on 'kicks' of things and waiting for my blogging one to come back :) Hope you are doing great!
    @SG - very cool, thanks for letting me know! :)
    @KY - hahaha, wouldn't that have been awesome if I actually had one like that of him?? That's a good project to work on next summer for sure. Thanks love, you are always such a nice supporter and I love ya for it!
    @MrsK - Well thanks! I am hoping that it will be!
    @Susanne - hahaha, well hey, I can repeat that. I'm down for cheap places too. How weird! Good random tidbit there. Hmmmm, I don't even know if I can master Croatian. Really love the way it sounds, but those pronunciations are like nothing I've ever heard before. ;) Thanks so much, Susanne. I really appreciate it!
    @Katrin - We will be in Zagreb, so a bit from the coast, but a heck of a lot closer than from Texas. I will for sure keep those islands in mind. Thanks for the recommendation!
    @Anon - never mind an anonymous comment, would just like to know a name to go with it ;) Thank you very much, it is really appreciated! And we're both really looking forward to being in Croatia and getting the hockey season underway :) And good mention of the team/league, definitely a success story, I agree.

  10. OK - when shall I plan my visit?!? :D

  11. I was so excited to see my Ltl Tex in my post box today and I am thrilled to hear the news. Ooh, this is so delicious - you will love it. I spent 3 months on those beaches and loved every minute of it.
    Congrats to the hub on the team winning the championship - I will go check that out when I am finished here. Thanks for the link.
    You have a great summer and extended holiday season. I cannot wait till you are on the move again and thrilling us with yet another season of adventure. I do very much enjoy your sense of humour. Take care, be safe and happy travels in visiting folks.

  12. I'm sure you'll have a great time in Croatia. Everyone I know who's gone, loves it. The area was a popular destination even before the Yugo split up. Like you say, you are handily postioned for trips to Greece, Italy and Austria too! :-)

  13. Congratulations! Your whole life is just one awesome adventure after another :)

  14. I am super jealous! I've heard Croatia is a beautiful country, and I can't wait to hear and see more from you about it. Glad to hear a little hello from you from the depths of the blogosphere :)

  15. Croatia was one of those places I guessed out of thin air! So excited for you! And the Plitvice Lakes National Park? I think I might have that on my "I want to go to there" Pinterest board! Not. Kidding!

  16. Good luck in your new country! Boy it seems like every year your moving somewhere new. It looks absolutely amazing though. I've heard even more amazing things about the country though.

  17. I have a feeling you might get a few more visitors with that address!!! :-)
    Looks amazing!

  18. That does sound exciting but if you really want to go to a foreign country - how about the Florida Panthers in sunny South Florida. The last snow we had was 1976. Miles of beaches. The stadium is right next to one of the worlds largest outlet malls. And today it's hot enough to melt your truck nutz just like back home.

  19. Croatia, eh? That puts you much closer to one of my all-time favorite bloggers, DEZZ.

  20. Awesome!! Can't wait to see your pictures. :D

  21. thank gosh i hounded you for answers on location 10 minutes after your latest post. i couldnt have waited a month to find out ;) so glad the cat's outta the bag now though!!!! gonna be SO much fun (and good food!)

  22. @Heather - any time lady! You would be a fun travel companion, I just know it!
    @Saucy - Aw, you are always so sweet. Ooooo! I will have to get some recommendations from you when the time gets closer. I know I will have some free time in the summery months when I first get there. So glad you liked it! And yes, that link is from last year, but enjoy!
    @Paul - That is what I keep hearing, and if everyone keeps saying it, there has to be truth in it all, right?? I think so too. Close to lots, which is always good :)
    @Dwija - thanks Dweej! You know it!
    @TriGirl - I KNOW! I told you on your blog, not sure if you saw. You totally guessed. Aren't those lakes gorgeous?! You can come join me for a quick jaunt, if ya want, lol
    @Ross - Haha, does it ever! Just the cycle of things. Thanks so much, we are looking forward to it all!
    @Kelli - hahaha, that is exactly what we said too. No one wanted to come to Finland in the dead of winter, but I already know of a few people that are starting to plan a trip to come see us. I love it!
    @SFlaGuy - Man, can you hook us up?? Haha, seriously. Le sigh, if only. Croatia can be a close second, I guess ;)
    @Joshia - NICE! Thanks for the link, I'm checking it out now!
    @HockeyBroad - Well thanks! I will definitely have more this year than last, at least I think
    @Megan - haha, I know, I have been awful. Yum, looking forward to the yummy food AND wine, if I do say so myself.

  23. my finance signed in Zagreb, too! I look forward to meeting you soon!



  24. @Ash - HI!!! LOVE that you commented and let me know that! :) Really looking forward to meeting you soon too! I just know the rest of the summer is going to fly by and we'll be back over there in the blink of an eye.

  25. Hey sugarbooger! I'm doing great! I'm going home for a visit on July 23rd until August 13th. I can not wait for the heat and sun! Maybe watch a thunderstorm or 12.

    Congratulations on the awesome new country of residence! May I recommend that if you change your header to add a new gnome, you dress him with a black hand and a FN model 1910? Totally inappropriate but so tongue-in-cheek! Because that's how I cycle.

  26. Wow, I love reading about your travels, and admittedly, I'm very jealous of them. These days, the farthest I travel is walking across the street to check the mail. So I live vicariously through your blog.

  27. I honestly feel as though I learn more about geography from your blog than I did all through highschool;-) So excited for you guys!

  28. Wooo!!!! This is very exciting! I know you're gonna look forward to some sunshine haha!! Can't wait to hear all about it. Hope you're good girl..maybe another swap posting is needed next season?!

  29. Holy cow. If you go to that Plitvice Lake Park PLEASE take shload of pictures for me! Good luck on the next adventure. And please keep blogging! No more month long hiatus Missy! What's that? You have an actual real life? Pish posh. We need you more.

  30. How awesome! Croatia is a place I always wanted to visit - admittedly, there's many :) Either way, I heard it's a beautiful place and I'm looking forward to your posts from there!

  31. Haha, I ALMOST thought you were leading up to heading downunder for a moment there ... Can't wait to see how your blog header changes now!!! Fitting 'Croatia' in to TexaGermaFinlaNadian will be a challenge that'd make a lesser woman faint ...

  32. Congrats on Croatia! That's so exciting, and friggin' gorgeous landscape. I feel as though our lives are very similar, moving around the world/country for our husbands' teams, season-by-season. It's kind of suspenseful at times, but still fun right?! I cant wait to read your blog and see your photos when you're there!

    XO Lizz

  33. I think I have learned more about the world in the past three years, via your blog, than I did in my three years of high school ... ;)

    P.S. Totally had to do a double take of that Adam Sandler picture. At first I was like, "Wait, is that Alex?" Because it could totally be Alex! ;)

  34. Croatia is definitely a country I would love to visit. Have a great time and hope all goes well during your stay there.

  35. OHHHH...I can't wait for you to post about Croatia!!! It's on the top of my list of places to visit! Congratulations! :)

  36. 2 months long suspense is killing us ever more! :p

  37. What does UNESCO have to do with Eadiitorl Dlihget?

    Riccia 9?

  38. are you coming back or do i find all your updates on facebook?

  39. where are you little one - sure miss your stuff, Eh. Are you coming back or where do I go to find you. Miss, miss, miss you silly girl :)


Whoomp, there it is!