In the last couple of posts, ya'll have left some amazing comments. Not only are you guys always upbeat and nice and thoughtful, but you raised some great questions too. And with these, I am hoping to break my bloggyland writers block. So you new readers to the blog, I think you will enjoy this little peek into my world. And for all you old, been-around-for-random-post-after-random-post readers, well, you might just learn a little something new too ;)
Most asked question number
1) Soooo, what do you do all day?
Ha. Any 'hockey wife' or anyone traveling the world for their partner's job will know that this question comes at ya quite frequently. Well, a typical day consists of lounging on the couch, watching Finnish Soap Operas in a lavish, plush robe while eating only the best quality bon-bons. But don't think I am just some bimbo, I can multitask too. For example, I also have to schedule my weekly facial and massage when there is a commercial break. Le sigh.
If only I were as cool as Peggy Bundy! (source) |
oooorrrrrr not. Our day to day life in any country is pretty typical of that for most people back in North the 9-5 job. We get up, the hubs goes to practice and I get to doing a little work online.
The internet is amazing, did ya'll know that?! I am able to write and do work for people all over the world all the while still in my PJs. Before I started really getting into freelancing this year, I learned German the first years and then taught English last year. My parents didn't spend oodles of money to send me to a great college for me to just sit around on my bee-hind! :) In the afternoon, I head to the gym, the grocery store and whatever other errand needs to be run. Pretty boring and just as monotonous as anything back at home, really.
2) How is the team doing?
Ya'll are really sweet for asking. I don't usually like to talk about the team much on here. After all, this is MY blog not the hubs' ;) Plus, I've had some i
ntense fans stalk the blog a little too close my comfort in past years. I don't mind if they read, just don't read into my posts and try to guess what my husband is thinking. So let's just put it this way: We love it here, he loves the team, and no matter what, there could always be more wins in a season!
3) Is it dark there all day?
Yes, and there are zombies too.
Brains! And reindeer bratwurst... (source) |
What!?! NO! (not yet). Actually, Europe already 'fell-back' this past weekend. The sun is up earlier, but this mega-early sun setting thing already has me feeling wacky. For example, I was sooo confused the other day when I ran to the grocery store. It was pitch dark outside and there were tons of people milling around, walking their dogs and running around the lake. What were they doing there in the middle of the night?! Until I realized
it was only 5pm. Really, really weird to me! I guess you do what you normally do, only in the winter you do it in the dark.
4) How much has it snowed there??
Muhahaha! That was my evil laugh if you weren't aware.
The weather here has been nothing short of awesome. Well, that may take some explaining. See, when I first got here I kept saying that I was going to die come the cold and dark December. The Finns thought they were soooo funny by telling me I didn't even have to wait that long until winter...think more October. But they were wrong. October was gorgeous here. And the first days of November thus far have been extremely mild. I'm talking high 50s, low 60s. So all you New Englanders and Coloradians (is that right?!) that have been getting dumped on this past week, just know that several latitudes north of you haven't been hit once.
Am I tempting the winter gods by writing this?!
Soon to be picture of our front driveway (source) |
5) What do you do all day?
Um, we went over this already. I do what you do, just in a different country. And attend a hockey game from time to time.
6) How long are you allowed to stay?
Guess who is legal to live, WORK AND GO TO SCHOOL (really? Did they forget I don't know Finnish?) in Finland?! Quit guessing. 'Cause it's me! We just got our passports complete with shiny new visas and completely unflattering photos in them. Who's idea was it not to smile in pictures?? That's right, we are good to stay until the end of the season. And the whole allowed to work thing was a very nice surprise! Who knew. Hmmm, you know, I could use a break from the computer now and again!
7) What is the town like?
The town is so nice. It is the perfect size (about 60,000) and we are less than an hour away from two major cities. All of the hubs' games are very close by (no more 12 hour trips on the bus!) and there is lots to see and do around in the area. We live within walking distance of most everything and yes, we realize how lucky we are. I will share more pictures of the town as the season trudges on.
And there is a castle, a lake and ducks. |
8) What does your husband do for his 'real' job?
While none of my awesome readers asked this job, it is not an unheard of question.
News flash nerds, this is his real job. He makes real money, not Monopoly-like paper money only to be redeemed at the rink's snack stands and gift shop. Sure, h doesn't hold regular hours and he isn't 'employed' in the summer, but there is never down time in hockey. If you are in season, you are working out and preparing for the next. If you aren't at the rink, you are at home, resting and saving your energy for the next game.
9) Do you have a car?
Yes because they better not expect this Texas butt to be hiking anywhere once the snow falls. I don't play that game. One of the big advantages of coming over to Europe is the fact that they (usually) arrange and pay for an apartment, a car, health insurance and travel costs. That leaves us to cover very little living expenses while abroad. Hockey is never certain, you never know what is right around the corner. So anytime you can save money for the future, you take that opportunity!
10) What do you do all day?
Really? Again? Nothing. I stare at the wall and watch the wallpaper peel....which it is actually doing here right now. Ha.
11) Are you going to show us a picture of your funky hair/Was there Halloween?
So last posts I mentioned that I got funkified at the salon. I didn't ask for it, I am totally not that trendy. Of course you are your own worse critic when things don't go right at the hair dressers. But before I got it somewhat fixed, I had a super bright YELLOW patch on my head about the size of two quarters from bleach leaking out of the foils. Fun times.
It was freezing outside and I am still refusing to wear warm clothes. |
So here is a picture of it fixed, and me as an ever-boring masquerade gal. And I was still more in costume than 80% of the people at the bar. It's just not big here.
BONUS: Anything else you'd like to share about Finland??
Why yes there is! Thank you for asking ;) You ready for the most random answer possible?? Of course you are.
DID YOU KNOW that there are
NO skunks in Europe?! Like none at all. Ok, maybe in a zoo somewhere, but not in the wild. The stinky creatures are native to North America and have populations in South America and Indonesia. So I guess I never have to worry about skunks here, a perpetual problem at home. Seriously, my parents set traps every night and catch at least one a week. No, we don't have skunk skin hats or black and white fur lined coats.
That leaves me with two burning questions.
1) What do Europeans say when beer goes bad?? I am guessing they certainly don't say it is skunky. (everyone says that, right??)
And the second question. Are you ready, this is going to blow your mind.
If there are no skunks this side of the Atlantic,
was Pepe Le Pew French Canadian??
Think about it :)