January 22, 2011

Dear 1998 Me,

So the very funny gal Kristine over at Wait in the Van is featuring her "Product of Silence" series today. She explains the idea behind it all: "Each month (or so), I choose a passage, quote, poem, photograph, or event to inspire a post that will take me to a new place with my writing (I like funny, but I like writing, too).  I then begin the post by sharing that prompt." The prompt for this month was "a letter you never intend to send."

I kept trying to come up with clever ideas of whom to address this letter to. I could write to people in my past that wronged me, weird people that bother me in Germany, a long lost friend. But I kept coming back to my original idea; send a letter to your 14 year old self. I don't intend to send it, because, well, I can't. Sadly time travel has not yet been invented. So, I wrote a simple note to 9th grade me. Yep, just like ones I used to pass in the hallways back then. I hope she likes it, and I hope ya'll enjoy a little something different today :)

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  1. haha, this is great! too funny, yet, makes you tear up a bit when you think about all the things you'd tell yourself back then "had you known...", right? Just like Brad Paisley's song "Letter to me" :)

  2. I know right! And I didn't even know Brad Paisley had a song like that. I miss country music over here. Will have to check it out!

  3. I LOVELOVELOVE this! (Um, and I still wear my Doc Martens. hehe)

    But really, super clever (and I'm jealous of your artistic skills) and deceptively sweet. So glad you joined in on this.

  4. Everyone rocked the hot dog bang curl...and if you're lucky and look into a small shop you can see a few who still do! This is a riot.

  5. @ Kristine - well thank YOU for hosting this great idea, and for linking me up. I think I might be hooked. And thanks for the awesome compliments :) Don't worry, if I still had my Doc Martens, I would be clomping around in those all day, every day. Yellow shoelaces and all!

    @Morgan - oh thank you for not making me feel like I was such a dweeb. I would do my bangs every morning, hair spray the hell outta them, and if anyone touched them, they lost a tooth. :)

  6. Im really liking this! But even if I could have told myself do´s and don´ts im not sure that I would..casue all that teenage goofy stuff made me who iam I guess:)

  7. This is great! (even if you are writing this letter the same year I met my husband)...I often say I wish I could go back to my twenties with the knowledge of my thirties. It is so true.

    You are a very talented writer...keep it up, I enjoy your posts!!


  8. This is great! (first time here. found you from wait in the van) I shall stay and poke around a bit if you don't mind....

    Again, loved this post!

  9. @ Mrs K - you're totally right. I wouldn't change anything, but it is funny to look back
    @THW - Thanks so much, your kind words really mean a lot to me :)

    @Heather - Welcome girl, and glad you like the post. Hope you had fun poking around!

  10. I love this! Oh how I wish that I could write 14 yo me a letter! And good age choice. 14 yo is RIGHT before most teens turn into idiots! Bens dad told him when he was 13 "Congratulations, you have officially lost your brain. You won't get it back until you are 20!" So true.

  11. @Becca - my mom teaches Jr High and she always says that she wishes they could just ship off all the 13 year old boys and have them return when they are 20. It is so true, they just can't control their actions at that age! haha

  12. Really well done! Great concept! And the closing comment - priceless.

  13. I'm cracking up at the "yellow overalls from the Victoria Secret catalog"... oh, mistakes in fashion... we all have them

  14. @ Rusk - Thanks for stopping by! I really enjoyed your letter too

    @Meri - come on, you know those were styling, haha. I have no idea what I was thinking...

  15. Very clever idea, I struggled with an idea for my Product of Silence post too.

    We all could part a little wisdom on to our younger, wise-ass selves.

  16. @Simon - haha, no kidding. I was/am such a wiseass, can't even believe some of the stuff coming out of my mouth back then. Surprised I didn't get slapped around! lol. Yours has been posted since I last check. Hoping right over there now. Thanks for stopping by :)

  17. Oh my gosh, this is hilarious. I waited for my boobs too. In fact, I'm still waiting. I cling to a picture that Cam took right after Linden was born. I had nice knockers for about four days. Then they went away ... along with my milk supply, but that's a different story. You are so funny, Lindsey! I can't even imagine what I'd say to my 14 year old self. Quit being so dramatic, maybe? Or maybe I'd advise me not to date that 18 year old football/baseball player. He was nothing but trouble for the next two years.

  18. @HW - you mean there is hope when I am pregnant?!?! That's it, we are going for it, haha. Thanks for the sweet comment, as always. And I think I didn't use the exact quote "quit being dramatic" because I think it could always apply to me at times:) haha, oh the joys

  19. This is SUCH a good idea!! Hilarious post!! Looking back on it I would totally tell my middle school self to get rid of the wide-leg jeans with a "seveteen magazine" T-shirt and black platform shoes that this look just isn't working haha

  20. @HM haha, oh gosh, I could go back to just about every single day in Junior High, make myself look in mirror once more, and just say "really?!?". Glad I am not alone!


Whoomp, there it is!